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A 1980 Reel America preview of Cuban Refugees "In their Own Words" interviews Mariel refugees regarding their reasons to emigrate to the United States.

Felix Delgado, better known by his stage name "Cuban Link," is a Cuban-American rapper that entered the United States through the Mariel boatlift. In this interview he answers questions about the travel and other experiences once he arrived at Florida.

Miami Herald interviews Mariel refugee Alfredo Malagon. In this interview Malagon recounts the way that his family members from Miami were able to bring him and his family during the Mariel boatlift. He also tells us an interesting story about meeting the Captain of the boat that brought him years later.

Pulitzer Prize Winner Mirita Ojito shares her experiences during the Mariel boatlift and life in the United States after. 

Miami Herald - El Mariel" "I Made It" - Memories of the Mariel boatlift at Cuba Nostagia 2010 by Michael Alen/Miami Herald Staff.


NBC News report on the Mariel boatlift conditions.

NBC News update report on the Mariel boatlift. Severe thunderstorms take the lives of a number of Cuban refugees trying to get to Key West, Florida.

25:59 The news reports that Cuban officers at Mariel harbor are overloading American boats that sail to pick up their family members in Cuba.

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